Friday, February 15, 2008


All Members, Uttaranchal Power Engineers Association :

Dear Members,

Firstly I thank you all for electing me your General Secretary. I understand that some members travelled for two days to vote in the elections . I appreciate your support and I shall do my best to live up to expectations.

This year round we will see a lot more involvement of general members. Firstly I will make sure to reach out and keep you well informed about the developments in UPCL/UJVNL/PTCUL. You will also be informed about major discussions with the managements and the decisions taken therein. All members (and not just office bearers) are encouraged to participate in the Executive Body meetings . You are welcome not only to listen but also to participate in the discussions.

Zonal and Branch Secretaries (to be elected shortly) shall play a crucial role in communication with you, so I need not remind you to choose them wisely. They will be the grass roots workers as well as the next generation in leadership. As you shall soon see, Organisational Secretaries and Publicity Secretaries will also be much more active this year. Whereas the number of Vice-Presidential posts has been reduced this year, their responsibilities have increased. The association will try to utilise the enenrgies and talents of each and every member. Last butnot least, we shall continue to be guided by senior and experienced members.

I hope that through increased communication and transparency, close evaluation of the performance of the Executive Body shall become possible and will lead to further democratisation of the decision making process in UPEA which will strengthen the association with the increased involvment of each and every member.

I have full confidence in our team.


Surya Prakash Arya, Creative Writer for various issues said...

Finally a breadth of Fresh Air

First of all my heartiest Congratulation to my Dearest Buddy Sachin Rawat for becoming the GS of Uttarakhand Power Engineers Association. This has been a momentous year to UPEA as a breadth of fresh air has finally creap in into the system which would going to create the ripple effect and I sincerely hope that issue close to heart of the common member, which has been ignored since long would be addressed with sincereity. Issues pertaining to Transfers, Pay Scale Revision, Housing Facilities, Medical Facilities and adoption of New Management Tactics by the Senior and Top Management.


Surya Prakash Arya, EE(Information Technology) and (Engineering & Cost Accounting),

PTCUL, Dehradun

manoj said...

cogratulation on becoming the GS of UPEA. this blog could proove to be an effective medium for communication for all the members even in the far flung areas of Uttarakhand. this is a good start.
As an election officer of Dakpathar branch we shall hold the electionl of branch secretary as soon as possible. for the dakpathar branch i have contact with all the UJVNL members but dont have any contact with members from UPCL or PTCUL. it shall be highly appreciated if i can get any help in this regard.

Manoj Rawat
Assistant Engineer
UJVNL, Dakpathar